Eliza Jaquays


Eliza Jaquays is a YA fantasy author seeking representation. Her brand as a writer is queernormative second-world fiction starring young women who couldn't recognize flirting if it saved their life.

Teacups and TreasonQuerying

After regrettably saving the spoiled prince's life, a baker's daughter turned seer must set aside her dreams of serving the gods and work with the prince if there is any hope of preventing the murder of the entire royal family.

The Dragon's TreasuresRewriting

When the headman's daughter accidentally picks up the dragon's stolen treasure, she is magically bound to travel across the country and restore it to the dragon. Losing the treasure means taking the place of the dragon's pet human and her father will finally have a reason to replace her as his heir. But the dragon's current pet will lie, cheat, and kill to ensure she fails so that he can be free.

A Tale of Sheep and FairiesRough Draft

When a young lady's best friend is taken by the fairies, she completely misses the euphemism and, armed with a sheep, crosses into the realm of the fae to demand her safe return. The fae have not stolen away her friend and are infuriated by the lie. The fairy monarch has given her a fortnight to uncover the source of this lie before war breaks out between the realms.